Coral Island Company Statement
The licensed Adult Gaming Centres operated within Coral Island require all persons who wish to access the areas to be over 18 years of age, with a ‘Think 21’ policy in operation as per the recommendations of BACTA.
Coral Island operates all gambling-related activities in accordance with the objectives of the Gambling Commission and the requirements of the Licensing Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP).
In accordance with these objectives, Coral Island is obliged to ‘protect children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling’.
The ‘Gambling codes of Practice’, published by the Gambling Commission, identify the following guidelines for operators, under section 3.2.1, point 5:
A supervisor must implement the following procedures:
- a) Checking the age of customers who appear to be, or are suspected of being, underage
- b) Refusing entry to anyone unable to produce an acceptable form of identification, i.e. one which:
o i. Contains a photograph from which the individual can be identified
o ii. States the individual’s date of birth
o iii. Is valid
o iv. Is legible and shows no signs of tampering or reproduction
- c) Taking action when there are unlawful attempts to enter the premises, including removing anyone who appears to be underage and cannot produce an acceptable form of identification.
It is the legal requirement of Coral Island management to ensure that the above procedures are followed, in order to fully comply with the three main objectives of the Gambling Act 2005.
Coral Island and its employees are fully aware of their responsibilities regarding the Equality Act 2010 and believe in treating everyone fairly and equally. The company takes all reasonable measures to ensure its facilities are available to everyone regardless of their age, gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, gender reassignment, religion or belief.
Coral Island staff and management have a right to carry out their tasks and duties without fear of either physical or verbal threats from members of the public.