Application form

Job applied for

posted on: 28/03/2025 | closes on: 30/04/2025

Please fill out the application form with the best of your knowledge, all fields marked with a * are manditory.

Personal Details

(Due to gambling licensing legislation laws you must be 18 years of age or older)

Your Address

Do you hold a UK Bank account for payment of wages?

Are you an EU Citizen?

For Non EU Citizens only.

Are there any restrictions on your leave to remain in the UK?

If Yes, what is the expiry date? *

Are there any restrictions on your right to work in the UK?

If Yes, please give details. *

You will be required to provide a valid work permit or other evidence of your right to work in the United Kingdom.

i.e. original passport (not photocopy) with correct stamp.

Students:- Original School letter confirming position on a course.

1. Career / Work Details

Have you ever previously been employed by Coral Island?

Past Employment

Please list below present and past employment, beginning with the most recent.

Present (optional)
Previous (optional)
Previous (optional)
Previous (optional)

Do you have any objection to us contacting your present or most recent employer?

If Yes, please give a reason. *


Please provide details below for two referees, one of which must be your present or most recent employer, job centre contact or academic (school teacher or college tutor) reference.

Reference 1

Reference 2

2. Education & Training

Please give details of all qualifications and training gained: (earliest first)

3. Supplementary Information

4. Convictions

Apart from offences that are “spent” under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, please answer the following:

Have you been convicted of a criminal offence?

If Yes, please give details. *

Are you currently involved in proceedings which would lead to a conviction?

If Yes, please give details. *

5. Consent

I declare that the information given by me on this form is correct in every detail. I am aware that failure to disclose fads or information relevant to the job may result in my employment being terminated. Any offers of employment are subject to the Company obtaining two satisfactory references.

Coral Island is an equal opportunities employer

By submiiting Application Form you consent to Coral Island using and keeping the information about you, provided by you -( or third parties such as referees)-relating to your application or future employment.

This information will be used solely in the recruitment process and will be retained for a maximum of six months from the date of the interview.

Such information may include details relating to ethnic monitoring; which will only be used for internal monitoring and will not be disclosed to any third party. You have the right to request access to your personal information at anytime.

The privacy and security of your personal data is very important to us. The relevant section of our privacy policy is available to view on our website. If you require any further information, please contact our Data protection manager at:

Fish and Chip Shop Supervisor

Need more info, go back to the job description page.

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